About Active Dads Rule

We are a community of DADS that believe in being present, intentional, and active in the lives of our children. Your entire family will love the fit and feel of the clothing and more importantly the message of intentional fatherhood. This is a clothing brand with purpose. 

The founder Derrick Culpepper is a 6X viral video dad who has inspired millions with heartwarming videos of him combing his daughter's hair. He has appeared on the Kelly Clarkson Show, Bishop TD Jakes Show, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and he and his youngest daughter helped inspire the Oscar winning short film and book Hairlove. The brand's mission is to challenge the negative impact of absentee fathers and promote active and engaged fatherhood. We believe, ACTIVE DADS RULE.

Join the brand's global mission to celebrate and motivate fathers by purchasing gear today. For any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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